The Mustangs of Las Colinas

Hands have been used as a unit of length since ancient Egyptian times, and horses have been measured by this archaic unit since the Middle Ages. It was the hands of artist and sculptor Robert Glenn that masterfully and patiently created The Mustangs of Las Colinas—a lively, powerful display that took eight and a half years to sculpt and install. The art was conceptualized and created before the plaza itself was designed and built, so the sculptures became an inspirational centerpiece of the architecture that went up around them. Today, the horses continue to be molded, bit by bit, as awestruck visitors often put their hands on them in an effort to feel the strength and wild beauty of these larger-than-life animals.

So it’s befitting that these grand creatures—measured by hand, created by hand, and changed by each person who touches them—are the focus and creative source for this health center. Fittingly, Crossover also relies on the vital, enduring human connection—deliver exceptional care, create wellness plans, measure health outcomes, and impact each life that walks through our doors. Our efforts – when combined with each member’s active participation – creates its own health masterpiece with that captures the creativity, energy, and passion of each members unique health journey. We hope you will enjoy the art that celebrates the rich history of Las Colinas and we are proud to be part of building the future of this dynamic community.

The Health Center