Design Everything
is a core value at Crossover Health—which means that our members aren’t just signing up for healthcare, they’re becoming part of an unexpected and unrivaled experience from the moment they walk into their one-of-a-kind center. Custom-designed from the ground up to celebrate the community in which we serve, every location has its own personality and vibe to the delight and pride of our members as well as the care team who serves them.

Each center provides an innovative, people-centric journey—from our attention to interior function and layout, to our leading-edge medical equipment, to the way we honor the surrounding environment’s history and culture. The experiential and environmental design process is meticulously curated from end-to-end by Crossover’s in-house creative team to reflect not only Crossover’s unique commitment to delivering remarkable care experiences, but also providing a “medical home” for members to actively engage in positive health outcomes within one Connected System of Health.